Be An Uncommon Leader

Our Mission 
The Texas Young Lawyers Association (TYLA) is the “public service arm” of the State Bar of Texas.  We assist the State Bar in facilitating the administration of justice, fostering respect for rule of the law, and most prominently, advancing the role of lawyers in serving the public. To fulfill our mission, we publish pamphlets, guides, articles, podcasts, and videos, and put on programming for young lawyers and students of all ages.

Public Service

Respect for the Law

Justice For All

Free Legal Resources

Videos, brochures, curriculum, and more.

You can search our library of free legal resources, which contain legal information for the public, educators, and Texas lawyers. You can also browse through all of legal resources on our Resources page. Our projects contain information to members of the general public about various legal topics; assist Texas lawyers in developing and maintaining their legal practices; and help underserved members of our community.

Our programs and resources offer helpful legal information to members of the general public on a variety of topics.

Others assist Texas lawyers in developing and maintaining their legal practices. And many are directed toward underserved members of our community, including the homeless, the elderly, and members of our military.

Explore the Library

Discover our growing collection of incredible resources.