All Attorney Resources

Answering the Call: Responding to a Texas Civil Subpoena
TYLA has created this guide to assist Texas lawyers in advising their clients about what subpoenas are, their duty to respond, and how best to respond to a subpoena issued to them by a Texas state or federal civil court.

Answering the Call: Responding to a Texas Criminal Subpoena
TYLA has created this guide to assist Texas lawyers in advising their clients about what criminal subpoenas are, their duty to respond, and how best to respond to a subpoena issued to them by a Texas state or federal court.

Attorney-Client Relationship
Lawyers and clients must be able to communicate freely for clients to receive the help they need, and the attorney–client privilege and the work-product doctrine make this possible. This pamphlet explains the basics of both protections, and seeks to teach clients how to avoid common pitfalls

Career Development Guide for Lawyers
This Career Development Guide is intended to be a starting point for young lawyers who are interested in more fully developing their careers beyond working their jobs.

Civility for All (including Lawyers)
Civility for All encourages students to be respectful, engaged, and

Clear or Seal: A Lawyer’s Guide to Expunctions, Nondisclosures, and Juvenile Sealings
Clear or Seal: A Lawyer’s Guide to Expunctions, Nondisclosures, and

Client Resource Guide
Members of the public look to licensed attorneys for guidance regarding their most important matters. This guide will help you with the important task of client management.

Diversity Toolkit
The Diversity Toolkit consists of several pieces of the puzzle of having a comprehensive approach to organizational diversity. The four push-cards relate to diversifying relationships, diversifying membership, improving diversity with policies, and improving diversity with projects.

Evicted in Texas: Landlord and Tenant Rights
A video project about housing insecurity in Texas’s major cities, its impacts on landlords and tenants, the eviction process in JP Court, and how young lawyers can get involved to address the problem.

Every year there is a massive, unmet need for representation

Hiring an Intern
This guide addresses topics and frequently asked questions that employers face when hiring interns. We hope that it proves
to be a helpful resource.

How Texas Courts Work
The "How Texas Courts Work" website includes several informational videos

How to do a Pro Bono Clemency Petition
A helpful summary for attorneys volunteering to help eligible inmates.

How To Get Involved In Nonprofit Boards
This resources will guide you through forming a Texas nonprofit, joining a nonprofit board, the many benefits of serving on a nonprofit board, and how to make the most of your experience.