Guardianship Guide

Serving as guardian is a serious job. Your fiduciary duties to the ward and the Court last until you are discharged and released by the Court, and this may go on even past the death of the Ward. Failure to comply with your duties and obligations could lead to your removal. You could then be liable civilly or potentially even criminally for your actions. Thus, do not take this job lightly and make sure you discuss any questions you may have with an attorney.

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Guardianship Guide Brochure


Serving as guardian is a serious job. Your fiduciary duties to the ward and the Court last until you are discharged and released by the Court, and this may go on even past the death of the Ward. Failure to comply with your duties and obligations could lead to your removal. You could then be liable civilly or potentially even criminally for your actions. Thus, do not take this job lightly and make sure you discuss any questions you may have with an attorney.

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Guardianship Guide BrochureDownload


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