

A comprehensive resource focusing on the most common legal rights and responsibilities associated with adulthood and providing additional resources for navigating the same.


American Juror

American Juror is a web and video-based project dedicated to informing Texas citizens about jury service.


Attorney Billing Guide

The purpose of this guide is to assist lawyers in connection with attorney fee statements by addressing (1) general billing practices, (2) privileges applicable to


Attorney-Client Relationship

Lawyers and clients must be able to communicate freely for clients to receive the help they need, and the attorney–client privilege and the work-product doctrine make this possible. This pamphlet explains the basics of both protections, and seeks to teach clients how to avoid common pitfalls


Client Resource Guide

Members of the public look to licensed attorneys for guidance regarding their most important matters. This guide will help you with the important task of client management.


Committed to Healing: Involuntary Commitment Procedures

A guide to involuntary commitment legal procedures. In the mental health community, involuntary commitment is considered a “last resort” option. It is the use of legal means to commit a person to a mental hospital or psychiatric ward against their will or over their protests.


Compassion Fatigue

Compassion Fatigue (also known as Secondary Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) has recently become more prevalent in attorneys and is caused by helping those exposed to


Diversity Toolkit

The Diversity Toolkit consists of several pieces of the puzzle of having a comprehensive approach to organizational diversity. The four push-cards relate to diversifying relationships, diversifying membership, improving diversity with policies, and improving diversity with projects.
