Resources: General Public

As a part of the State Bar of Texas, the Texas Young Lawyers Association (TYLA) takes its responsibility to the general public in Texas very seriously. In this section you will find pamphlets, videos, and other materials addressing timely legal topics.

PLEASE NOTE: These resources offer introductory information about legal topics, but cannot substitute for the advice of a lawyer. If you do not know a lawyer in your area, we recommend you contact the State Bar of Texas to find out about referral services in your area.

Teach Safe. Learn Safe. Be Safe.

A website designed to give educators, parents, and students an overview of laws that apply to school systems such as bullying, fighting, sexual misconduct, and answers to frequently asked legal questions.


Texas Courts for Texas Veterans

This video shares the life changing impacts of Texas Courts for Texas Veterans through testimonials from participants, judges, including Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Hecht, and prosecutors.


The Little Voice

If you suspect child abuse, it is your duty under the law to report it. Learn the signs of abuse and how to report it.


The Unconscious Truth

A multi-media project created by TYLA to educate students and parents on the signs of alcohol poisoning and the legal and physical consequences associated with binge drinking.


They Had A Dream Too

They Had a Dream Too is a short film highlighting the achievement of a few of the thousands of young people who made a difference in the 1950s and 1960s when the struggle for civil rights reached its peak in the United States.


TYLA Voter Information Card

Vote America: Court the Vote continues the Texas Young Lawyers Association’s long-standing commitment to producing quality, law-focused education programming for the citizens of Texas and


You’re Hired. Now What?

“You’re Hired! Now What?” is a video program designed to teach students and other new members of the workforce about rules governing discriminatory or unfair workplace environments


If you find one of these resources helpful to you in dealing with legal issues in your life, please give us feedback and share your story with us.

If you do not see any materials regarding a legal issue of interest to you, please contact us to let us know.