As a part of the State Bar of Texas, the Texas Young Lawyers Association (TYLA) takes its responsibility to the general public in Texas very seriously. In this section you will find pamphlets, videos, and other materials addressing timely legal topics.
PLEASE NOTE: These resources offer introductory information about legal topics, but cannot substitute for the advice of a lawyer. If you do not know a lawyer in your area, we recommend you contact the State Bar of Texas to find out about referral services in your area.

This resource will help you navigate challenges and legal aspects of obtaining healthcare and help prepare you to take charge of your care and the

Hiring a Contractor After a Natural Disaster
A resource to Texans for hiring construction professionals, including general “Do’s” and “Don’ts” for hiring a contractor or other professional to help rebuild in the wake of natural disasters.

How Texas Courts Work
The "How Texas Courts Work" website includes several informational videos developed from interviews with several practicing Texas attorneys, Texas Supreme Court Justice Boyd, Texas Court

How to Sue in Justice Court
Provides an overview of the general process used to file, obtain judgment, and collect in justice court.

Iconic Women in Legal History
This website focuses on iconic women in our nation’s legal history who have promoted and protected civil rights, fought for equality, and ultimately shaped our present culture.

Identity Theft and Fraud Guide
This Identity Theft and Fraud Guide is not intended to be a fully comprehensive guide to all forms and types of identity theft and fraud,

In Case of Emergency
Preparation is the key to picking up the pieces when a disaster strikes. The information included below are some helpful suggestions on how you can protect yourself and your family from unnecessary distress.

Justice 101: The Client’s Guide to Litigation
This 20-minute video explains the steps of the litigation process, from pleadings to trials to alternative dispute resolution.

Kids In The Crossfire
“Kids in the Crossfire” is a short video designed to emphasize the impact of parents’ behavior during divorce.

Know Your FEMA Rights
This guide is helpful for understanding why FEMA exists, how FEMA can help you, and how to apply for FEMA aid. If you have sustained damage or loss because of Hurricane Harvey in a declared disaster area, you should apply for FEMA Aid.

Lawyers Guide to the Consequences of Vaping
Explaining the consequences of vaping and electronic cigarette use.

Legal Considerations for a Kids-Free Vacation
Information on tools available under Texas law which would allow Parents to temporarily empower another adult with the authority to make certain decisions for the

Legal Guide for Cancer Patients
An overview of the legal issues that someone who is fighting or has fought a battle with cancer may face.

Lost Documents During A Disaster
When disaster happens, making sure your loved ones are safe and protected is your number one priority. Dealing with the aftermath
often involves having to replace necessary documents. This guide is intended to be an abbreviated checklist to help you obtain
replacements of some of those necessary documents.

Manual De Divorcio Pro Se
Producido y distribuido como servicio público por la Asociación de Abogados Jóvenes de Texas y el Colegio de Abogados del Estado de Texas

Not A Victim
This website provides access to important information for survivors, family & friends of survivors, and those accused of sexual assault.

Permanent Kinship Placement
This brochure addresses what becoming a permanent kinship caregiver means and your rights and obligations as a permanent kinship placement.

Privilege 101
This guide was created to serve as an overview for attorneys, clients, spouses, clergy, and health professionals on legal confidentiality and privilege rights and obligations prepared by the Texas Young Lawyers Association.
If you find one of these resources helpful to you in dealing with legal issues in your life, please give us feedback and share your story with us.
If you do not see any materials regarding a legal issue of interest to you, please contact us to let us know.