As a part of the State Bar of Texas, the Texas Young Lawyers Association (TYLA) takes its responsibility to the general public in Texas very seriously. In this section you will find pamphlets, videos, and other materials addressing timely legal topics.
PLEASE NOTE: These resources offer introductory information about legal topics, but cannot substitute for the advice of a lawyer. If you do not know a lawyer in your area, we recommend you contact the State Bar of Texas to find out about referral services in your area.

American Juror
American Juror is a web and video-based project dedicated to informing Texas citizens about jury service.

Animal Abuse Update – Laws on Animal Cruelty, Crush Videos, and Dog Restraints in Texas
This project answers questions about changes to Texas and federal laws in 2019 and 2021 regarding animal abuse.

Civility for All (including Lawyers)
Civility for All encourages students to be respectful, engaged, and civil members and leaders in their communities. This project was made possible by a $45,000

Colorful Voices – A Children’s Advocacy Center Coloring Book
The Colorful Voices coloring book focuses on educating children on what to expect/what happens when they become involved with a children’s advocacy center.

Committed to Healing: Involuntary Commitment Procedures
A guide to involuntary commitment legal procedures. In the mental health community, involuntary commitment is considered a “last resort” option. It is the use of legal means to commit a person to a mental hospital or psychiatric ward against their will or over their protests.

Educating Educators
A resource guide designed to educate teachers and administrators about their rights, responsibilities and legal obligations.

Employment During Natural Disasters
Empleo Durante Desastres Naturales
If your employment has been affected by a natural disaster, there are important things you need to know.

Ending the Violence: How to Obtain a Texas Protective Order
Protective orders are civil court orders designed to cease acts of violence, threatening, harassing, or stalking by abusers. The Ending the Violence pamphlet discusses the basics on eligibility for a protective order, the procedure for obtaining a protective order, and the manner in which a protective order operates in Texas.

Enrolling Your Child In Another School After A Natural Disaster
If your child’s school district has closed due to a natural disaster, your child can enroll in school elsewhere.

Estate and Succession Planning for College Students
This packet is intended to provide you with some helpful information regarding your options for empowering your parent, or another adult, with the authority to

Evicted in Texas: Landlord and Tenant Rights
A video project about housing insecurity in Texas’s major cities, its impacts on landlords and tenants, the eviction process in JP Court, and how young lawyers can get involved to address the problem.

Free From Violence
A resource for survivors of domestic and elder abuse. On this website, you will find information about domestic violence and elder abuse laws and resources available to survivors.

Guide to Garnishments in Texas
Assists individuals who may be experiencing a garnishment of their wages, bank accounts, or other personal property.
If you find one of these resources helpful to you in dealing with legal issues in your life, please give us feedback and share your story with us.
If you do not see any materials regarding a legal issue of interest to you, please contact us to let us know.